Rabu, 12 Jun 2013

Mempelajari Erti Harta Intelek

from:     Lelawati Mohd Ali  
to:          Lelawati MohdAli  ,
 Lelawati Mohd Ali  ,
 Lelawati MohdAli  

date:      Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:43 AM
mailed-by:           gmail.com

* First  Lelawati Mohd Ali is mentioning tejathanaif@gmail.com
* Second Lelawati Mohd Ali is mentioning thanaif@hotmail.com
* Third Lelawati Mohd Ali mentioning thespiangulf@gmail.com
* Fourth Lelawati Mohd Ali mentioning thanaif@gmail.com
* I don't understand why all the emails is being deleted by the moderator .

I don't  think myself  looks or sound or have an image like Indian or Pakistan or Bangladesh or Nepalese neither african when i don't have any intention to be part of them. (Pray hope my indian and pakistanian good friends not read this blog )

This is really the failing arab games on me when they have their on struggle to be a security land when they do have a very un neutral friends like Israel and Iran. (with praying my teachers and arab friends never read this blog) 

What is their purpose on this game when Sony Ericsson  is not arab asset and we do not see any cars made from GCC countries.

Pada 19/6/2009 jam 1723 saya mengirimkan pesanan mengenai bagaimanakah piracy di internet yang dirujuk sebagai email-email peribadi dan sistem pesanan ringkas di talian telekomunikasi yang dilakukan atas nama pengumpulan dana dan projek kemanusiaan dilabelkan sebagai program pendidikan oleh selebriti?

Adakah ini dikekal dikecualikan dari maksud privacy oleh kegiatan hackers yang berhak diberikan perlindungan oleh undang-undang?

Apakah maksud kontrak yang gagal difahami boleh diklafikasikan sebagai tipu muslihat?

Apakah yang dimaksudkan karya kita tetapi hak orang lain?

Sangat difahami bahawa tanpa ada perjanjian yang ditandatangani ia membawa maksud tidak wujud perjanjian.(with praying I have all my property intellectual rights as a writer on every my blogs)

Bagaimanakah ini diadili dari sudut penggunaan siber dan telefon bimbit yang tidak digunakan oleh mereka yang mengirimkannya ke destinasi misalnya perbadanan penyiaran.

Penggunaan bukan bahasa ibunda pengguna sesuatu perkhidmatan di internet secara on line bagaimanakah boleh dijadikan sebagai punca pengguna awam yang bersifat individu diberikan hak perundangan untuk dipelihara hak mereka apabila mereka bukan selebriti?

Persekitaran bermoralkah bila dasar keberdayaan tenaga diri dan potensi minda dibelenggu menurut piawaian yang melupuskan hak pemilikan mereka?

Sempadan apakah yang akan dibina di bumbung langit dan udara dan perairan samudera setelah batu sempadan tanda-tandanya mudah diubah?

Saya tidak akan mengambil apa yang bukan menjadi hak saya tetapi saya mahu beramanah ke atas nama pena saya. Mencemarkan nama itu hanya menjadi perkara kecil kepada saya tetapi mempersendakan agama dan cara saya beriman amat sukar untuk diabaikan kemarahan yang saya tanggung selama ini.

Terjemahan :

On 19/06/2009 at 1723, I send the message about how piracy on the internet is referred to as personal emails and simple on-line ordering system of telecommunications in the name of fund-raising and humanitarian projects labeled as educational programs by celebrities?

Is this excluded from the purpose of privacy preserved by the activities of hackers who deserved to be protected by law?

What is the purpose of a failed contract are understood to be classified as trickery?

What is our work, but the rights of others?

It is understood that without a signed agreement which means there is no agreement.

How can this be judged from the point of cyber and mobile phone usage is not used by those who deliver to destinations such as broadcasting corporation.

In which the legal owners of the pen names of thanaif tejathanaif http://bentalakendiritunjangnyaakarakidah.blogspot.com blog,
www.thanaif @ wordpress.com,
thanaif@friendsterblog.com, and all http://facebook.com/thanaif and twitter entry when i am not using a Nokia mobile phone or Blackberry or Samsung or Iphone or Blackberry Javelin.

The use of non-native language users of internet services on line how can be a source of public use that is to be granted the legal right to keep their rights when they are not celebrities?

The use of non-native language users of internet services on line how can be a source of public use that is to be granted the legal right to keep their rights when they are not celebrities?

How to looks on ethic and morale philosophy environment when self-energy policy and the potential viability of the mind chained to dispose of in accordance with their ownership?

What boundaries will be constructed on the roof of the sky and air and ocean waters after stone boundary marks easily changed?

I will not take what is not to be my right but I want trustworthy on my pen name. Discredit only be a small matter to me, but the religion and the way I believe is hard to ignore the anger that I bear all this.